I had a
WWYT (aka What Were You Thinking?) moment while scanning the
news recently. North Face apparently is claiming
South Butt is infringing a
North Face trademark. What are the chances people would
mistake North Face as the origin of the South Butt merch? Dunno. Might going after a 18 year old college student in this case turn into a PR nightmare? I can see it. As funny as it is, did South Butt really have to adopt
that logo? No scarcity of WWYT here. See the poll to the left.
Labelle Maverique creates unique masks, cuffs and chokers from recycled inner tubes. She cuts each design by hand using tiny scissors and without any patterns, resulting in an organic feel.
Hand cut mask, $30:
The cute witch doesn't like hearing about all this negativity. Fluffy Butt Tutu, $10:
"Butt...." painting of a young man and his dog, $324:

What might the dog be thinking?[MUSIC VIDEO with a dancing hippo]